January 25, 2010


Today I got really mad at my boss. I told him why. He apologized. I was still mad. But you know what. I didn't need to get mad at him. I should have just done what I wanted instead of listening to his horrible direction.
After I left work I went to the mall to get some See's. I felt incredibly better. In fact, I felt good enough to forgive him. Which is interesting because I've never been an advocate of soothing emotions with food.
So I texted him and let him know. Let him know that he was forgiven, that is.
Forgiveness is miraculous because one minute you can feel so much negative energy toward someone. And then you make a choice to not feel it anymore. And it's gone. POOF! Just like that.

About an hour ago one of my friends told me I have gained weight since we met. We met almost a year ago. I have gained fourteen pounds since then.
Now that the emotional effects of the chocolate have worn off I am going to go to the gym. The Best Gym Ever, with the Worst Customer Service.
But don't worry. I have more chocolate. Fourteen pounds? What?


Carla said...

Hmmmm... well, I'm glad you're in a forgiving mood now. But I'm sorry about the 14 pounds!

Elizabeth said...

It's okay Mom. I forgive my body.