January 18, 2010

KitchenAid Mixer

Okay, so my mom gave me her yellow KitchenAid stand mixer when she upgraded to some huge black one a couple of months ago.

I finally used it tonight to make cookies.

And holy heck.

This puppy is so fast!

I've never had a desire to name inanimate objects before but I am so fond of this mixer that I just might have to christen it!

Like seriously, these cookies were done so fast. And it's such an easy cleanup!

THANKS MOM!!!!!!!!


Carla said...

Well, I'm glad it worked! :) How were the cookies?

Twenty Somethin' said...

Makes me want to get one

Cardiganwearer said...

Bosch mixers are sooo better ;)

Em Levy {orange + barrel} said...

Oh I want one so bad!