February 03, 2010


I'm going to start taking workout clothes to work with me. Then hitting the gym after work. The location closest to DI has a "women's only" room. Perfect. Don't have to worry about weirdos looking at me. Or buff women. Because only the weaklings like me go into the women's room. Just kidding. There are some seriously toned chicks in there. There's also some women that make me feel really good about myself.

I love diversity.

You know, my dad emailed his children this video lecture about calories and lean muscle mass and BMRs and what not.
You know how much muscle mass I have on my body?
Like, none.

So I think I'll do a weigh in next Monday and then once a month from there on out. We'll see if my weight changes as I build some sweet guns.


Carla said...

Many moons (many many moons) ago I had nice biceps. It was *fun* to feel myself get stronger. I know you'll enjoy it,too.

Lyle said...

Beefcake! BEEFCAKE!!!

Cleo said...

Yeah, I have Relief Society arms... Maybe I should start working on those.