June 03, 2010


It's going to be a good day today. No work. High of 79. Yum.

My plan is to go to the temple (I will be walking of course), buy a mirror for the top of my piano, go to the Provo store to help a former colleague with his resume, then learn some espanol.

It's amazing what a difference a good night of sleep and some sunshine can make!

Last night my roommate and I signed contracts for rooms in a house down the street. It has a gas stove, convection oven, and lots of counter space. I am in hog heaven.

The bedroom already has a desk & chair and a big dresser. I have my own, so I just have to find somewhere to stash those. Luckily, the closet is huge and they will probably fit in there.

There is also a backyard with grapes, chives, onions, garlic, and something else. I don't remember. And I think the owner (who lives a mile away and has already invited us to Sunday dinner every week) comes over to do the yard work all the time.

I am so happy.


Bethany said...

What a score! Congrats.

Carla said...

whoa! a garden and kitchen. What more could one want??
Sunday dinners sound like a lot of fun, also.

Jenny said...

sounds like a great place. congratulations!

if only it was down the street from us. :)