November 28, 2010

What do you call a fish with no eyes?


So I just posted a question on Yahoo! Answers about Glub. I think he gets bored because sometimes he will just float near the surface looking like he is asleep or dead. I asked for some advice, as in has anyone else ever had this experience?

But nooooo instead all I get is:

the tank is not cycled properly and taken care of well. I would test the water.

Goldfish can literally eat to death, so you should only feed him what he can within 30 seconds - one minute once a day.

the tank is too small. Goldfish should have 50 gallon tanks each. People say fancies should have at least 20 gallons each, but they can also get over a foot long.

For sure your Black Moor is competing for food. That Black Moor needs a 30 gallon to itself when fully grown and that Common Goldfish will need a big pond or 75-90 gallon aquarium.

Oh brother! Who in their right mind would buy a 90 gallon aquarium for one stinking goldfish???

This is why I hate looking on fish communities for advice. Too many overprotective fish zealots.


elliott said...

Here's your answer:

Carla said...

Well, that was an interesting article on fish depression. I wonder if the Feds should begin putting Prozac in each city's tap water...