January 12, 2011


After work I went to Petsmart to buy two African Dwarf Frogs to go in the betta tank.

While there I saw a group of kids with some dumb dog who kept wanting to get stepped on by me.

Then the two boys (probably twelve years old) starting hitting the fish tanks to see who could make the fish scatter the most.

I'm just saying, it had been a long day at work.

"HEY! People buy those fish and then they come home and die! So why don't you grow up and stop doing that?!"

Yes, I said that, to the children.

They stopped.

And I now have two froggies at home. Not dead yet.

One of the mystery snails did die from exposure to the medication in the goldfish tank. R.I.P. yellow mystery snail.

The blue one is back in the betta tank and looks like it's doing fine, but only time will tell....


Jenny said...

I hope the frogs and the blue snail are still kicking. Maybe if you spent more time at Petsmart, fewer people would have their fish die soon after getting home.

Carla said...

Hope springs eternal at your place!