August 26, 2011

I've been sick

all week. All. Week.

Everyone should be entitled to have either a significant other or a mother to take care of them when they are sick.

Three days off of work and I am going crazy even though I still feel like death run over. And I am scheduled to close the store tomorrow night, soooo... awesome.

As a result of all this downtime, I have been blogging, tweeting, facebooking, & google readering like no other.
Today I actually wished I had a TV so I could do something different.
I did watch Nacho Libre. When did it get so funny?


I finished one book, got halfway through another and picked up one more from the library. I go to the library once or twice a week.

The thing is, I never read any "important" books growing up. Don't get me wrong--Black Stallion, Nancy Drew, I was all over that. But getting into JR High & High School, we read hardly any classics. I could probably count them on one hand.

So while I do feel that goodreads is probably the most useful social networking site, it is terribly depressing! I'm still catching up on my literary foundation while all of you are reading fun books like My Antonia and Belle Prater's Boy.

And soon I'm going to take a year.5 break. D'oh.

So. I'm counting on all of you to send me books on the mission. One chapter of photocopied pages at a time, yes?


Lyle said...

You can't read those books on your mission.

Hope you're feeling better.

Carla said...

You'll have plenty of reading/studying to do! ha

I'm sorry your sick. :(